由Digital Tutors 公司最新出品的Digital Tutors Exploring Animation Principles in Maya 2011 Staging教程,探索Maya 2011动画原理教程之搬演技巧教程
staging 指的是搬演。画动画的时候,画家要参考着真人的动作来变形。
教程所使用的软件:Maya 2011 and up
In this collection of lessons we will learn about the animation principle of Staging.
What is Staging? How can it be used to improve the quality of your animations? We will answer these questions as we cover tips and techniques for using this principle to make sure your animations are presented in the clearest way. By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of the principle of Staging, which will help add more entertainment to your work.
1. Introduction and project overview
2. What is Staging? What is the Staging formula?
3. Staging with the camera
4. Character blocking with Staging
5. Finalizing the project
文件大小: 184M