女性解剖艺术绘画训练视频教程 Cubebrush Simple Female Anatomy

学习教程 最新资源女性解剖艺术绘画训练视频教程 Cubebrush Simple Female Anatomy已关闭评论1,288

女性解剖艺术绘画训练视频教程 Cubebrush Simple Female Anatomy

本教程是由Skillshare机构出品的女性解剖艺术绘画训练视频教程,Cubebrush Simple Female Anatomy,时长:3小时,大小:1.1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,共7个章节,作者:Marc Brunet,语言:英语。


Cubebrush Simple Female Anatomy
This Master Lesson by instructor Marc Brunet demonstrates how to simply draw and paint the female figure. This tutorial is great for both beginner and intermediate artists and should really give you a powerful tool to speed up your progress.
High res images
High quality anatomy model renders (front, back, 3/4)
7 Chapters (3 hours – 1080p resolution)

