Unreal Engine超精致自然环境游戏扩展资料第一季 Gumroad Procedural Nature Pack Vol.1

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Unreal Engine超精致自然环境游戏扩展资料第一季 Gumroad Procedural Nature Pack Vol.1

本资料是关于Unreal Engine超精致自然环境游戏扩展资料第一季,Gumroad Procedural Nature Pack Vol.1,大小:1.7 GB,使用软件:Unreal Engine 4,语言:英语。

Unreal Engine4虚幻游戏引擎是一款商业性的3D游戏开发引擎,是Epic数百位工程师、艺术家以及设计师的心血之作。不过这还只是开始,在C++代码中,你可以看到很多创新之处,比如支持Oculus VR、Linux系统、Valve公司的Steamworks和 Steam Box效果,并且可以使用HTML5在网页浏览器中开发游戏。虚幻引擎4基于DirectX 11,拥有新的材料流水线、蓝图视觉化脚本、直观蓝图调试、内容浏览器、人物动画、Matinee影院级工具集、全新地形和植被、后期处理效果、热重载(Hot Reload)、模拟与沉浸式视角、即时游戏预览、AI人工智能、音频、中间件集成等一系列全新特性。

Unreal Engine虚幻游戏引擎参与制作游戏有:《逃生》、《DMC鬼泣》、《死侍》、《失落的星球3》、《生化奇兵:无限》、《羞辱》、《战争机器:审判》、《杀手已死》、《勿忘我》、《Papa & Yo》、《忍者神龟:脱颖而出》等等。

Gumroad Procedural Nature Pack Vol.1
By PurePolygons Unreal Marketplace
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Procedurally Generate almost any nature scene you can think of with these assets!
Create rivers, trees, vines, and whatever else you can imagine procedurally!
The rivers are all spline generated with a material that increases the speed of the river based off of the slope angles of the geo and adds foam to the water at the tops and base of any water falls. So there is no extra work on your part. Just place it and go!
There is also procedural moss placement on assets or vertex painted versions for the more precise individual.
Trees + Foliage:
Simply adjust the number of branches, the angle, the angle variance, twist of the tree trunk, the wind intensity, up to 4 separate branch types per spline, and all of this can be found on each individual branch spline. Customize them to your liking or copy and paste them all over! The branches randomize their position and rotation so no two will ever the same. It’s even more powerful when you start swapping it with your own assets!
High quality hand sculpted zbrush normals and height maps. Turn tessellation on or off on some assets for next-gen looking models.
And of course rocks with the ability to have worldspace color overlays and normals so you can scale and rotate them at your will to any size or shape you’d like without any distortion to the worldspace rock material.
You can easily export any spline generated models that you create. Simply by selecting the generated meshes and using the export function. This can even be a quick modeling tool for your arsenal!

