50组高精度汽车3D模型合辑 Evermotion Archmodels Vol.132

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50组高精度汽车3D模型合辑 Evermotion Archmodels Vol.132

本模型合辑是由Evermotion机构出品的50组高精度汽车3D模型合辑,Evermotion Archmodels Vol.132,大小:590 MB,格式:max obj,包含50组高精度汽车3D模型,供广大设计师学习使用。

Evermotion Archmodels Vol.132
Archmodels vol. 132 includes 50 high quality 3d models for architectural visualizations. This collection comes with low poly cars models with all textures and materials. All vehicles are from our HDCars collections (ALL models from all 5 volumes), but in optimized, low-poly versions and without characteristic elements like for eg. car logos. Interior of every car is separated as a group – so can be easily removed.
Presented models and scenes were rendered in V-ray with 3ds max.
Scenes are not included.
3dmax – vray

