Marvelous Designer布料模拟核心训练视频教程 3DMotive Introduction To Marvelous Designer

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Marvelous Designer布料模拟核心训练视频教程 3DMotive Introduction To Marvelous Designer

本视频教程是由3DMotive机构出品的Marvelous Designer布料模拟核心训练视频教程,3DMotive Introduction To Marvelous Designer,时长:56分,大小:560 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Marvelous Designer,作者:Emiel Sleegers,共6个章节,语言:英语。

Marvelous Designer是最直观,最有效的世界服装设计软件。Marvelous Designer 2直观的图案设计功能,你完全可以创建自己的风格。奇妙的设计支持折线,绘制自由曲线和三维立体裁剪同步互动设计,任何形式的修改立即反映在完全的3D实时立体裁剪服装设计界面中。

3DMotive Introduction To Marvelous Designer
In this course, Emiel Sleegers is going to be covering the basic workflow methods used within Marvelous Designer 3. Here he will be covering some over the very basics such as the user interface, and from there he will jump right into creating different cloth and fabric meshes for objects like shirts, pillows, and a bed comforter.
