Toon Boom Harmony高级核心训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony Premium

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Toon Boom Harmony高级核心训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony Premium

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Toon Boom Harmony综合训练高级视频教程,DDigital-Tutors Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony Premium,时长:5小时39分,大小:2 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Toon Boom Harmony 12, 作者:Kurt Jones,共30个章节,语言:英语。

Toon Boom Animate 是一个独特的基于矢量的动画协同设计(交互式设计)动画制作软件,包括内容制作,合成,并通过媒体交付给观众整个流程,是动画师,数字工作室,学生和教育工作者设计的理想的完全数字动画软件。


Digital-Tutors Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony Premium
Toon Boom Harmony is an incredibly powerful application used by numerous studios on animated feature films and televised cartoons. In this course we’ll begin by learning about Harmony’s interface and how we can customize and save our workspace. Following this we’ll learn how to create artwork using the pencil, brush, and paint tools. In addition we’ll see how we can edit vector artwork using the contour editor and cutter tools. From here learn how to create layers for both vector and bitmap artwork. As we dive deeper into the course we’ll start to explore how to create animations by learning about exposures, key-frames, morphing, symbols, pegs, hierarchy and rigging for cut-out styled characters, camera animation, and importing 3D objects just to name a few. We’ll also learn how to use Harmony’s node view to see how we can structure our scene. After learning about tools and features covered in this course you will have the knowledge to begin creating stunning animations for your own projects.
