2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2015年6月第114期 2DArtist Issue 114 June 2015

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2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2015年6月第114期 2DArtist Issue 114 June 2015

本书籍是有2dartistmag机构出品的2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2015年6月第114期,2DArtist Issue 114 June 2015,大小:32 MB,格式:PDF高清,共99页,语言:英语。


2DArtist Issue 114 June 2015
We’ve got an exciting mix of sci-fi and fantasy for you this month! Issue 114 brings you an insightful interview with illustrator and concept artist, Brun Croes filled with invaluable advice. Brun Croes also pops up in our tutorial section as he demonstrates how to develop a scene using sketching techniques.
Our tutorials also cover creating a grungy sci-fi scene of epic proportions, crafting an air vehicle, and using matte painting techniques to alter an environment’s atmosphere – or if you’re in the mood for some fantasy characters, you can learn how José Parodi painted Dragon Hunter, or take a peek into the sketchbook of Nick Harris. Enjoy!

