优雅女性超逼真数字手绘艺术训练视频教程 Zillionarts Workshop Realistic Digital Painting

学习教程 最新资源优雅女性超逼真数字手绘艺术训练视频教程 Zillionarts Workshop Realistic Digital Painting已关闭评论1,507

优雅女性超逼真数字手绘艺术训练视频教程 Zillionarts Workshop Realistic Digital Painting

本教程是由Zillionartsworkshop机构出品的优雅女性超逼真数字手绘艺术训练视频教程,Zillionarts Workshop Realistic Digital Painting,时长:8小时,大小:6.1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Victor Stoll Toaldo,共14个章节,语言:英语。


Zillionarts Workshop Realistic Digital Painting
“Realistic Digital Painting” is the only digital workshop with live recording that demonstrates the process of creating a stunning photo-realistic painting in photoshop from start to finish.
The author demonstrates his techniques and shares his experience while creating the master piece. Any artist with basic drawing knowledge can follow and master the photo-realistic digital painting skill with this workshop. We have included the custom brushes used in this workshop. These brushes were created by the artist/author Victor Stoll specially for this workshop. With more than 9hrs of detailed video walkthrough, this is the workshop that every digital artist has been waiting for.

