《婚纱摄影闪光灯高级技法大师教程》Make On-Camera Flash Take Better Pictures

学习教程《婚纱摄影闪光灯高级技法大师教程》Make On-Camera Flash Take Better Pictures已关闭评论880

《婚纱摄影闪光灯高级技法大师教程》Make On-Camera Flash Take Better Pictures

本教程是由Kelby Training出品的婚纱摄影闪光灯高级技法大师教程.

Kelby Training: 15 Ways to Make On-Camera Flash Take Better Pictures
David Ziser, an internationally-renowned wedding photographer, has shared his knowledge with tens of thousand’s of photographers in five languages and in 14 countries worldwide. Studio Photography acclaimed Award winning photographer, David Ziser, is showing the world how to take pictures. The Dallas Morning News extolled Ziser as photographer extraordinaire. David is one of 97 worldwide who hold the highest honor of Fellow bestowed by the American Society of Photographers. See list of training modules on next page.
