《虚幻游戏引擎特效制作训练教程》Eat3D Unreal VFX Material Transitions

学习教程《虚幻游戏引擎特效制作训练教程》Eat3D Unreal VFX Material Transitions已关闭评论936

《虚幻游戏引擎特效制作训练教程》Eat3D Unreal VFX Material Transitions

本教程是由Eat 3d出品的虚幻游戏引擎特效制作训练教程。

Eat3D - Unreal VFX - Material Transitions
595 mb
In this demonstration the instructor starts off by explaining the nodes that will be used throughout the rest of the DVD. From there he goes into depth on how to create a material that can transition from one set of textures and parameters, into another. He also gets into how to make a character completely dissolve away.
Once the materials are setup, the instructor goes into how to control them in Cascade, Kismet, and Matinee. While inside Matinee, you learn how to time the dissolve to match the animation, and also how to swap entire materials and allow the character to dissolve after he has transformed from stone to real life.
