视觉特效中色彩理论的应用视频教程 cmiVFX Color Theory For VFX Artists

学习教程 最新资源视觉特效中色彩理论的应用视频教程 cmiVFX Color Theory For VFX Artists已关闭评论1,221

视觉特效中色彩理论的应用视频教程 cmiVFX Color Theory For VFX Artists

本视频教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的视觉特效中色彩理论的应用视频教程,cmiVFX Color Theory For VFX Artists,时长:2小时12分,大小:3.9 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,语言:英语。


cmiVFX Color Theory For VFX Artists
What can we say? Not all great videos are about Polygons and Curve editors. Once you’ve mastered the techniques in this video, it will ruin TV and movies for you forever. When you see how many TV shows and movies are using “cookie cutter” color grading on all the hit block busters, you will never be able to sit through a movie again without calling out what you have learned in this video! If you’re new to the world of Computer Graphics and Visual FX, this video will become one of your most valuable resources. It will change your life. However, if you have been working in the industry for a really long time, we challenge you to see how much you have forgotten over the years and to realize how little you have been using color theory in your work! We all need to have a refresher from time to time, so make this time yours. When it comes to maximizing efficiency, increasing quality, and setting the bar higher the ever, cmiVFX.com is the only place you ever need to go!

