GenArts Sapphire蓝宝石AVID插件V8.11版 GenArts Sapphire v8.11 AVX for AVID

最新资源GenArts Sapphire蓝宝石AVID插件V8.11版 GenArts Sapphire v8.11 AVX for AVID已关闭评论1,109

GenArts Sapphire蓝宝石AVID插件V8.11版 GenArts Sapphire v8.11 AVX for AVID

本插件是由genarts机构出品的GenArts Sapphire蓝宝石AVID插件V8.11版,GenArts Sapphire v8.11 AVX for AVID,大小:95 MB,支持AVID软件,包含250多个特效,语言:英语。

GenArts近日更新了行业标准的新版的特效插件,Sapphire蓝宝石Sapphire 8。新功能包括可定制的镜头光晕编辑器, 新视觉预设浏览器, 和通过FX服务器获得更多预设(此版本已经集成了目前所有的预设)。

用户可以自由设计并控制每个个体元素。可直观的浏览或自定义预设, 或通过订阅按月创建并保存您自己获取的预设置到FX中心(目前在测试中)。在After Effect的3D合成环境中编辑火光元素, 并轻松地以AE面罩综合进行分离。

蓝宝石是利用完整GenArts解决方案的产品, 集成了强有力的蓝宝石效果引擎, FX中心的curated外观, 以及使艺术家更好达到他们创造性的视觉的规度。

蓝宝石可以简化工作流程,提高你的团队的生产力,节省你的时间,激发更多的创新。他可以为视频编辑或合成软件Adobe After Effects,Avid,Final Cut Pro 等中做为插件使用。

GenArts Sapphire v8.11 AVX for AVID
Sapphire increases your productivity and quality output, without compromising consistency or the caliber of a look. Discover the superior image processing, control, render speed, and unlimited options compared to other plugins.
Sapphire for avid with over 250 Effects and Transitions
Endless creative possibilities
Blazing fast performance maximizes productivity
Organic and natural-looking photoreal results
Quickly and easily iterate on effect looks
Real Time Rendering
Highly reliable engine
Tech Specs
GPU Acceleration – Most effects are Nvidia CUDA GPU-accelerated to provide performance enhancements.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 400 or 500 series or QuadroFX Fermi (4000, 5000, 6000) graphics card required for maximum performance.
64-Bit Enabled – Expanded memory capabilities
Floating Point Processing – All effects use full floating point processing for improved image quality and full 32 bit HDR support
Multiprocessor Support
