iMovie 11视频剪辑基础核心训练视频教程 Learn by Video Make Your First Video with iMovie 11

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iMovie 11视频剪辑基础核心训练视频教程 Learn by Video Make Your First Video with iMovie 11

本教程是由video2brain机构出品的iMovie 11视频剪辑基础核心训练视频教程,Learn by Video Make Your First Video with iMovie 11,时长:2小时55分,大小:1.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:iMovie 11,作者:Maxim Jago,共36个章节,语言:英语。

iMovie是一款由苹果电脑编写的视频剪辑软件,是Macintosh电脑上的应用程序套装iLife的一部分。之后于WWDC 2010推出了iOS版本。[1] 它允许用户剪辑自己的家庭电影。
iMovie 3和以后的版本只能运行在Mac OS X上,早期的iMovie(2.0.3)可以在Mac OS 9上运行。当iMovie首次出现,它因为简洁而受到欢迎,大多数的工作只需要简单的点击和拖拽就能完成。因为广受欢迎,连PC的杂志也刊出其评论文章,甚至有一本把它放在了封面。PC的出版物评论Macintosh的专用软件是史无前例的。


Learn by Video Make Your First Video with iMovie 11
This innovative product uses interactive video to explain everything a beginner needs to know to create polished-looking videos with iMovie 11, from importing and organizing video files to using special effects like Green Screen, which lets you superimpose video footage of a person onto any background you want. Users will learn how to adjust the color of video clips, stabilize shakiness, and use Themes–which give a project special transitions, titles, and graphics.
A major component is learning to build a movie by assembling and editing clips, and users will learn various ways to share their finished movie, such as creating a DVD and sharing online. Experienced instructor Maxim Jago presents 3 hours of exceptional quality video tutorials, complete with lesson files, assessment quizzes, and review materials. The video is wrapped in a unique interface that allows the viewer to jump to any topic and also bookmark individual sections for later review. The unique Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window to allow the student to work alongside in iMovie. Project files used in the lessons are included on the disc so viewers can practice what they’ve learned, and interactive review questions help reinforce freshly gained knowledge.+
