20组热门电影海报PSD模板合辑 Creativemarket 20 Popular Movie Layer Styles 262288

平面素材 最新资源20组热门电影海报PSD模板合辑 Creativemarket 20 Popular Movie Layer Styles 262288已关闭评论1,291

20组热门电影海报PSD模板合辑 Creativemarket 20 Popular Movie Layer Styles 262288

本PS动作是由Creativemarket机构出品的20组热门电影海报PSD模板合辑,Creativemarket 20 Popular Movie Layer Styles 262288,大小:540 MB,格式:PSD,ASL,包含20组热门电影海报PSD文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Creativemarket 20 Popular Movie Layer Styles 262288
This pack includes 20 High-Quality Cinematic Photoshop Layer Styles that will give you the ability to create popular movie text effects with a single mouse click.
This was a very fun product for me to work on because I had my two sons help me pick out the movies that are included. I spent well over 20 hours creating everything listed and many times I would start over from scratch to get the effects just right.
If you have any suggestions for movie styles that you'd like to see in the next pack please leave a comment below.
Simple 2-Step Process
Double-click to install the Photoshop Layer Styles.
Click on one of the 20 included styles to apply the cinematic effect to your text layer.
It's literally that easy!
What's In The Pack?
20 Cinematic Photoshop Styles (.ASL)
20 Quick-Start Photoshop Documents (.PSD)
Features & Benefits
High quality mouse-crafted text effects
20 One-click Photoshop Layer Styles
One-click installation and implementation with Photoshop Styles
Use as much as you want on as many projects as you'd like
Works great with text and vector objects
High resolution styles for both print & web

