12组超级设计海报PSD模板合辑 Creativemarket 12 Party Flyers Bundle 265336

平面素材 最新资源12组超级设计海报PSD模板合辑 Creativemarket 12 Party Flyers Bundle 265336已关闭评论1,048

12组超级设计海报PSD模板合辑 Creativemarket 12 Party Flyers Bundle 265336

本PS模板是由Creativemarket机构出品的12组超级设计海报PSD模板合辑,Creativemarket 12 Party Flyers Bundle 265336,大小:1.9 GB,格式:PSD,分辨率:2598 x 3626,包含12组超级设计海报PSD模板文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Creativemarket 12 Party Flyers Bundle 265336
This bundle include 12 different flyers for party, clubbing and music. All graphic elements and images are included. Some of them are using editable 3D elements. You will find tutorials to edit and render inside. I used only free fonts listed inside each folder.
Because this bundle exceeded the upload limit when you download you will receive a .txt files containing the links for all flyers separately.
All the files are A4 or Letter format / 300 DPI.

