100组超级海报PS模板合辑 Creativemarket 100 FLYERS BUNDLE + 20 FREEBIES 251252

平面素材 最新资源100组超级海报PS模板合辑 Creativemarket 100 FLYERS BUNDLE + 20 FREEBIES 251252已关闭评论1,080

100组超级海报PS模板合辑 Creativemarket 100 FLYERS BUNDLE + 20 FREEBIES 251252

本PS模板是由Creativemarket机构出品的100组超级海报PS模板合辑,Creativemarket 100 FLYERS BUNDLE + 20 FREEBIES 251252,大小:1.8 GB,格式:PSD,包含100组超级海报PSD文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Creativemarket 100 FLYERS BUNDLE + 20 FREEBIES 251252
This is the biggest flyer bundle in the world !
100 Flyer templates + 20 Flyer freebies bonus !
You can modify everything, it's very easy and quick. Changing the color style, picture, typo is no problem. It is well-assorted in folders and layers.
Fully Layered PSD files
Fully Customizable and Editable
CMYK Setting
300 DPI High Resolution
Print Ready Format
The design Include bleeds, trims and guidelines print ready!
Size flyer: 4 width x 6 height. (Bleeds: + 0,25)
All free font links included
Files Included:
100 PSD files + 100 Read Me text files
The link to download our 20 Freebies flyer.
Help & Information files.

