PS油画风格数字绘画艺术训练视频教程 Gumroad Imitating Oils in Photoshop

学习教程 最新资源PS油画风格数字绘画艺术训练视频教程 Gumroad Imitating Oils in Photoshop已关闭评论1,447

PS油画风格数字绘画艺术训练视频教程 Gumroad Imitating Oils in Photoshop

本教程是由Gumroad机构出品的PS油画风格数字绘画艺术训练视频教程,Gumroad Imitating Oils in Photoshop,时长:4小时35分,大小:1.2 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Lake Hurwitz,共3个章节,语言:英语。


Gumroad Imitating Oils in Photoshop
– 6m 1080p insight video (1920×1080) with audio commentary
– 35m 1080p process video (1920×1080) with audio commentary
– 3h 55m 1080p demo video (1920×1080) without commentary
– HiRes finished illustration JPG
– HiRes layered Photoshop PSD file
This video tutorial shows a process by which the appearance of oil paint can be mimicked in photoshop. I discuss why oil paint looks the way it does and the tools that photoshop has to create these effects.
