《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)

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《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片1
3D Total - Total Textures Vol 01 - 16 (The Ultimate Material Collection) | 9.5 GB

  • The Original Total Texture collection was created in 2001, utilising the best methods and technology of the time. Since then, techniques and technology have both moved forward, and here at 3DTotal we felt that although the original collection is still widely used and highly regarded among artists and studios of all calibers, it was time for an update...
  • This enormously improved version of the original texture collection now contains 188 individual Materials, comprising of over 1300 individual, hand crafted texture maps and are all fully tileable. Every Texture now has its own unique colour map, bump map, specular, mask and normal map.
  • Included this time are 'Overlay Masks' which can be used over tiling textures to remove obvious repeated areas, and make it possible for the texture to be used over larger areas. With the 24 unique overlay masks combined with the 188 textures on the cd, over 4500 different textures can be created! This doesnt even cover the endless textures that can be created by modifying or switching bump or specular maps.
  • 360 degree Panoramic skydome maps have also been added. In fact we have replaced the entire sky section that came with original CD. These Panorama's have been exclusively created for this collection and will not be resold or given away anywhere else.

3D Total Textures Vol 01 - General Textures.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 02 - Aged & Stressed.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 03 - Bases & Layers.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 04 - Humans & Creatures.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 05 - Dirt & Grafitti.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 06 - Clean Textures.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 07 - Sci-Fi.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 08 - Vehicles.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 09 - Ancient Tribes & Civilisations.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 10 - Trees And Plants.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 11 - Alien Organic.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 12 - Textures From Around The World 1.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 13 - Textures From Around The World 2.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 14 - Fantasy.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 15 - Toon Textures.iso
3D Total Textures Vol 16 - Architectural Showroom.iso

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片2
1. 3D Total Textures Vol.01 General Textures

1358 individually created maps
188 Individual Materials
58 Bonus Maps / Mask
31 Brick Textures (2 Pages)
16 Cloth & Fabrics
20 Ground Textures
11 Metal Textures
18 Paving Textures
40 Stone Textures
8 Tile Textures
33 Wood Textures
11 Miscellaneous Textures
15 Dirt Masks
24 Overlays
6 Shadow Maps
7 New Skies
360 Panoramic Image

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片3
2. 3D Total Textures Vol.02 Aged  &  Stressed

600 individually created maps
150 Individual Materials
53 Bonus Maps
29 Brick Textures
23 Metal Textures
19 Miscellaneous Textures
5 Paint Textures
8 Plaster Textures
25 Stone Textures
18 Wall Textures
23 Wood Textures
31 Dirt Masks
7 Shadow Maps
15 Skies

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片4
3. 3D Total Textures Vol.03 Bases & Layers

22 Blue
25 Brown
28 Green
23 Grey
27 Red
27 Yellow
10 With Normal Maps
16 Dirt Maps
16 Texture Masks
32 Sky
8 Panoramic Skies

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片5
4. 3D Total Textures Vol.04 Humans & Creatures

31 Creature Eyes
11 Creature Fur
2 Creature Miscellaneous
6 Creature Scales
14 Creature Skin (Body)
27 Creature Skin (Facial)
16 Human Eyes
2 Human Hair
12 Human Misc (Body)
24 Human Misc (Facial)
47 Human Skin (Abnormal)
2 Human Skin (Old)
13 Human Skin (Tatoo)
34 Human Skin (Young)
15 Human Skin (Reference)

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片6
5. 3D Total Textures Vol.05 Dirt & Grafitti

89 Individual stains/holes/splatters
88 Horizontally tilable Dirt maps
95 Fully tilable Dirt maps
72 Graffiti maps + alpha map
14 Creature Skin (Body)
27 Creature Skin (Facial)
16 Human Eyes
2 Human Hair
12 Human Misc (Body)
24 Human Misc (Facial)
47 Human Skin (Abnormal)
2 Human Skin (Old)
13 Human Skin (Tatoo)
34 Human Skin (Young)
15 Human Skin (Reference)

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片7
6. 3D Total Textures Vol.06 Clean Textures

30 Brick
9 Carpet
18 Fabric Textures
23 Floor Textures
10 Metal Textures
5 Roof Textures
18 Stone Textures
30 Wall Textures
26 Wood Textures
7 Worktop Textures
18 Shadow Maps

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片8
7. 3D Total Textures Vol.07 Sci-Fi

14 Alien Sign
17 Control Panel
8 Logo
56 Number
20 SS 'set'
30 TPOD 'set'
44 UNS 'set'
49 Symbol
27 Ceiling
16 Container
26 Damage
8 Dirt Map
9 Dish
32 Door
31 Floor
27 Girder
11 Gun Flare
14 Handle
13 Hatch
9 Hose
46 Hull
12 Material
13 Rocket / Engine
22 Stars & Planets
29 Tile
14 Vent
44 Wall
3 Window

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片9
8. 3D Total Textures Vol.08 Vehicles

20 Alloy Wheel 3D models
15 Object 3D Models
3 Camouflage Textures
3 Camouflage Netting Textures
123 Decals including Flames, Hood decals, numbers, tribal and race designs.
9 Dials
25 Dirt Texture Masks
14 Doors and Hatches
20 Ground Textures
19 Material Textures
25 Panel Textures
2 Tank Tracks
15 Tyre Maps
12 Vent & Grills
70 Paint shaders

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片10
9. 3D Total Textures Vol.09 Ancient Tribes & Civilisations

16 African Textures
30 Aztec Textures
35 Celtic & Viking Textures
16 Chinese Textures
25 Egyptian Textures
56 Greek & Roman Textures
8 Indian & Islamic Textures
12 Japanese Textures
23 Medieval Textures
15 Moorish Textures
16 Native American Textures
24 Neanderthal Textures

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片11
10. 3D Total Textures Vol.10 Trees And Plants

150 Colour texture maps.
150 Bump or Alpha maps.
136 TIFF Files with in-built alpha maps.split up into the following categories:
9 Spring Trees
17 Summer Trees
14 Autumn Trees
24 Winter Trees
8 Evergreen/Tropical Trees
13 Bark Maps (fully Tiled)
11 Bushes
14 Grasses
14 Leaves
20 Shrubs
3 Tree Stumps

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片12
11. 3D Total Textures Vol.11 Alien Organic

117 Colour texture maps.
117 Bump or Alpha maps. (with this collection, endless combinations of Colour Maps and bump maps)
36 Specular Maps
9 Blues
25 Browns
22 Greens
16 Greys
14 Reds
12 Yellows
19 Miscellaneous

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片13
12. 3D Total Textures Vol.12 Textures From Around The World 1

148 Colour texture maps.
148 Matching Bump Maps
27 American
23 English
33 Egyptian
19 German
25 Hungarian
21 Italian

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片14
13. 3D Total Textures Vol.13 Textures From Around The World 2

139 Colour texture maps.
139 Matching Bump Maps
38 Japanese
22 New Zealand
20 Portuguese
25 Spanish
16 Swedish
18 Tunisian

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片15
14. 3D Total Textures Vol.14 Fantasy

195 Colour texture maps.
181 Matching Bump Maps
63 Alpha Mapped Tiff Files
15 Specular
21 Architectural
30 Armour (including some blood stains)
15 Clothing
15 Ground
29 Motifs
23 Script / Alphabet
14 Skies
22 Trees, Leaves and Bark
26 Weapons

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片16
15. 3D Total Textures Vol.15 Toon Textures

150 Colour texture maps.
150 Matching Bump Maps
15 Extra bump maps for adding Bump to flat colour surfaces
45 Matching Tiff files with built in Alpha Maps for textures with transparent edges
12 Roof Tiles
27 Walls
20 Floors (wood, stone, tiled etc)
6 Fencing
6 Doors
6 Windows
8 Ground (sandy, stone etc)
12 Woods (planks, raw etc)
13 Stone (pebbles, rocks, stone faces etc)
22 Trees (trees, leaves, bark etc)
18 Skies (night & day)

《终极3D纹理贴图Vol.1-16》(3D Total Textures Vol.01-16 The Ultimate Material Textures Collection)-图片17
16. 3D Total Textures Vol.16 Architectural Showroom

134 - Colour Texture Maps
134 - Matching Bump Maps
134 - Matching Specular Maps
36 Fabrics & Upholstrey Textures
7 Marble Textures
3 Rugs
15 Stone Textures
25 Tile Textures
23 Wall Textures
21 Wood Textures
4 Misc Textures



