2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年12月刊总第108期 2DArtist Issue 108 December 2014

书籍杂志 最新资源2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年12月刊总第108期 2DArtist Issue 108 December 2014已关闭评论1,447

2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年12月刊总第108期 2DArtist Issue 108 December 2014

本书籍是有2dartistmag机构出品的2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年12月刊总第108期,2DArtist Issue 108 December 2014,大小:90 MB,格式:PDF高清,共115页,语言:英语。


2DArtist Issue 108 December 2014
2DArtist is the magazine for CG and digital artists around the globe, whether you already work in 2D or are just getting started. Each issue is full of techniques, tutorials, interviews, articles, project overviews and galleries. Every jam packed magazine will provide you with the perfect platform from which to improve your 2D skills, learn from the professionals and get inspiration for your next project.

