100超级特效字体PS模板 Creativemarket Mega bundle 100 Photoshop Styles 218061

平面素材 最新资源100超级特效字体PS模板 Creativemarket Mega bundle 100 Photoshop Styles 218061已关闭评论1,168

100超级特效字体PS模板 Creativemarket Mega bundle 100 Photoshop Styles 218061

本PS模板是由Creativemarket机构出品的100超级特效字体PS模板,Creativemarket Mega bundle 100 Photoshop Styles 218061,大小:390 MB,格式:PSD, ASL,包含100超级特效字体PS文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Creativemarket Mega bundle 100 Photoshop Styles 218061
Mega bundle 100 Photoshop Styles”. These are premium Adobe Photoshop layer styles. This set includes source .psd. The source .psd layers are active. All layer styles have been organized & are easy to use, 100% scalable. Just click to apply.
File Included
10.PSD file
10.ASL file
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