Grasshopper三维造型基础训练视频教程 Udemy Develop Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper

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Grasshopper三维造型基础训练视频教程 Udemy Develop Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper

本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的Grasshopper三维造型基础训练视频教程,Udemy Develop Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper,时长:3小时,大小:1.3 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Grasshopper,作者:Dr. Eng. Arch. Stefan Boeykens,共40个章节,语言:英语。

Grasshopper是一款在Rhino环境下运行的采用程序算法生成模型的插件。不同于Rhino Scrip,Grasshopper不需要太多任何的程序语言的知识就可以通过一些简单的流程方法达到设计师所想要的模型.

Grasshopper 中提供的矢量功能是 Rhino 中没有的概念,因此可能很多即便熟悉 Rhino 的用户在学习 Grasshopper 的时候也会对这部分有一些陌生,无论在 Grasshopper 中还是初中课本里,矢量就是矢量,他都代表同样的意思:既具有大小又具有方向的量。在 Rhino 中制作模型,比如画曲线,拉控制点,移动,阵列物体等等几乎所有的手工建模都是在反复的做定义距离和方向的工作。而在以程序建模(参数化建模)的软件中,这个工作我们希望是尽量以输入数据和程序自动计算的方式来完成,以替代传统的手工去画的方式,在 Grasshopper 或者其他的参数化建模的软件中用来完成这个工作的工具就是矢量。


Udemy Develop Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper
In this course, you apply a basic knowledge of 3D modelling into a Parametric Approach.
Instead of creating one or two design models for a project, you learn how to develop an interactive, adapting model, controlled by a few chosen design parameters and capable of generating a wide range of design variants. Use the clever components to define an efficient and powerful system of interconnected components, creating geometry and applying geometric and mathematical operations.
Learn the same techniques innovative architectural offices apply, such as Foster of Hadid, to develop their complex designs.
Use a combination of modeled and generated geometry and still allow visual, artistic control over the result.
In a series of around three hours of video tutorials and a few short quizzes we learn Grasshopper, a parametric design add-in for McNeel Rhinoceros, which can be freely used, provided you have access to Rhinoceros.
The first lectures will explain the user interface and the basic concepts to control numbers, points and curves.
We extend this into 3D Surfaces and look at different approaches for panelling and subdividing of a façade or roof model.
There will be an extensive section where you’ll create a model that is similar to a twisted tower design by Calatrava, built in Sweden, step-by-step.
And finally, we’ll take a look at options for generative modelling, where we look at optimisation, using the Galapagos module.
So please join us and discover this widely popular visual programming system and discover how you can create some surprising results with ease.
