22组实用文本动画AE模板合辑 VideoHive 22 Title Animations 10536261

AE模板 最新资源22组实用文本动画AE模板合辑 VideoHive 22 Title Animations 10536261已关闭评论1,485

22组实用文本动画AE模板合辑 VideoHive 22 Title Animations 10536261

本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的22组实用文本动画AE模板合辑,VideoHive 22 Title Animations 10536261,大小:60 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014。

VideoHive 22 Title Animations 10536261
These 22 Text Animations are useful for any type of application, and can be customized to fit with any design. You can easily change the colors in just one simple step. Changing the text it's also very simple .You don't need any Advance knowledge of After Effects in order to use this Text Animations. Even if you never worked with the After Effects you can watch the video tutorial and complete the job.
1080p , 720p
Fully customized
Very easy to use
Fast rendering
Colors & Text can be change easily
Font link, Audio Link are included Audio
22 Text Animations
Video tutorial included
Fast rendering
No plugins required
After Effects CS5 or higher

