视觉布局元素设计视频教程 Gumroad Composition 101 with Jason Scheier

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视觉布局元素设计视频教程 Gumroad Composition 101 with Jason Scheier

本视频教程是由Gumroad机构出品的视觉布局元素设计视频教程,Gumroad Composition 101 with Jason Scheier,时长:42分,大小:70 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Jason Scheier,语言:英语。


Gumroad Composition 101 with Jason Scheier
This Introductory lecture is geared towards the beginner to intermediate artists for creating evocative composition choices for their image making. I will go into detail with making definitive hierarchical designs by blocking in the general elements of the composition and working gradually toward the more specific aspects of your layouts. How to use weights, rhythms, visual gut-checks, to cross-check proportions, relationships, and placement of the elements you are designing.

