Photoshop机甲战士概念艺术合成特效视频教程 Cubebrush Photo-Bashing for Concept Art

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Photoshop机甲战士概念艺术合成特效视频教程 Cubebrush Photo-Bashing for Concept Art

本视频教程是由Cubebrush机构出品的Photoshop机甲战士概念艺术合成特效视频教程,Cubebrush Photo-Bashing for Concept Art,时长:1小时37分,大小:450 MB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,共7个章节,语言:英语。


Cubebrush Photo-Bashing for Concept Art
I?n this Master Lesson, instructor Fausto De Martini explains his process of photo-bashing to create fast and effective designs. Photo-bashing refers to the process of using parts of photos, with minimal to heavy editing, and using those to achieve polished-looking concepts without having to spend too long painting everything.
It’s a technique widely used in film and game productions thanks to how time-effective it is.
The lesson will cover all the steps from the initial thumbnails to the final concept and will be done in Photoshop CC (The custom brushes will only work for CC versions and up).
– Fausto’s Custom Photoshop Brushes (download link at chapter 7)
– 7 Chapters (1h37min total)
