Creativemarket完美品质PS动作与背景素材合辑 Creativemarket 150 Actions + 275 Backgrounds Bundle 148460

平面素材 最新资源Creativemarket完美品质PS动作与背景素材合辑 Creativemarket 150 Actions + 275 Backgrounds Bundle 148460已关闭评论964

Creativemarket完美品质PS动作与背景素材合辑 Creativemarket 150 Actions + 275 Backgrounds Bundle 148460

本PS模板是由GraphicRiver机构出品的Creativemarket完美品质PS动作与背景素材合辑,Creativemarket 150 Actions + 275 Backgrounds Bundle 148460,大小:117 MB,格式:ATN JPG,包含150个PS动作与275个背景素材PS文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

Creativemarket 150 Actions + 275 Backgrounds Bundle 148460
Bundle details:
This bundle, containing 425 files contains 150 Actions ( all the actions you can see on my shop ) and 275 Backgrounds ( all the backgrounds you can see on my shop ). The actions were improved, fixed and tweaked to work perfectly for CS4, CS5, CS6 versions of Photoshop, I haven't tested the actions in CC versions but, here are 9 samples for you to test out the actions first,
The actions in this pack are:
100% editable
Simple to use
Grouped at the end of the action
In the 275 backgrounds there are triangle, low poly, blur, bokeh and borealis backgrounds.
How to use:
I guess everyone knows how to use some backgrounds so I get directly to the actions. To use the actions, simply drag a image in photoshop, rasterize it if the image is not rasterized already then play the action. Attention, if the image is a smart object the action will not work correctly, also, if the layer containing the image is named Layer 1 or Layer 2, please rename them to something random.
