Nvidia PhysX物理引擎软件 Nvidia PhysX Vehicles

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Nvidia PhysX物理引擎软件 Nvidia PhysX Vehicles v

本软件是由nvidia机构出品的Nvidia PhysX物理引擎软件,Nvidia PhysX Vehicles,大小:630 MB,语言:英语。

physx 是一套由 nvidia 设计的执行复杂的物理运算的技术.在 2005年7月20日,索尼同意在即将发售的 playstation3 中使用 nvidia 的 physx 和它的 sdk —— novodex 。nvidia 声称,physx 将会使设计师在开发游戏的过程中使用复杂的物理效果而不需要像以往那样耗费漫长的时间开发一套物理引擎,而且使用了物理引擎还会使一些配置较低的电脑无法流畅运行。nvidia 更宣称 physx 执行物理运算的效率比当前的 cpu 与物理处理软件的组合高出 100 倍。游戏设计语言 dark basic pro 将会支持 physx,并允许其用户利用physx 执行物理运算。

Nvidia PhysX Vehicles
PhysX support for vehicles has been significantly reworked in 3.x. In place of the NxWheelShape class of 2.8.x, a more optimal integration of the core PhysX SDK and vehicle simulation code has been developed. More specifically, the vehicles component now sits outside the core SDK in a manner similar to PhysXExtensions. This change allows vehicles to be updated in a single pass as well as promoting a more intuitive approach to vehicle modelling data. Vehicles support has been extended from the suspension/wheel/tire modelling of 2.8.x to a more complete model that couples modular vehicle components including engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential, wheels, tires, suspensions, and chassis. A quick glance at the data structures in PxVehicleComponents.h will provide a flavour of the behaviors supported by PhysX vehicles.

The vehicle SDK can be thought of as having two separate components: the core vehicle SDK and an optional set of utility classes and functions that are provided as a reference solution to common problems in game vehicle dynamics. The utility classes and functions may be found in PxVehicleUtilControl.h, PxVehicleUtilSetup.h, and PxVehicleUtilTelemetry.h, while the remaining files make up the core vehicle SDK. It is important to note that these utility classes are provided only as an example solution to common game vehicle problems. It is quite possible that many developers will be able to use these utility classes directly without modification. However, it is expected that many developers will use these classes as a starting point for integrating the physx core vehicle SDK with gameplay code. An example might be the code that filters the raw inputs from a gamepad controller in order to generate meaningful acceleration, brake and steer values that can be passed to the core SDK. The implementation provided might be unsuitable for some developers because it is written with specific assumptions about the kind of smoothing required to generate enjoyable gameplay. It is perfectly reasonable that some developers will consider these assumptions to be at odds with the gameplay requirements of their project. Developers who find themselves in this situation are invited to use the given implementation as a reference or even to independently develop an alternative if they wish. Other utility classes include data structures that record telemetry data in real time and helper functions to enable 3-wheeled cars.

