Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程 Digtial-Tutors Introduction to Substance Painter

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Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程 Digtial-Tutors Introduction to Substance Painter

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Substance Painter模型贴图绘制全面核心训练视频教程,Digtial-Tutors Introduction to Substance Painter,时长:3小时2分,大小:2.8 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Substance Painter,作者:Eddie Russell,共20个章节,语言:英语。

3D 繪製的重新研發
Substance Painter 是一個全新的 3D 貼圖繪製程式,讓你可更符合現今遊戲中的貼圖製作更加容易。
Particle Painting粒子繪製
● 在你的物件上撒水、丟土甚至是火,並且即時的看著其逼真的風化效果。粒子筆刷使用真實的物理模擬,用一種擬真的方法來為你的模型加上磨損與撕裂。
Particles2 0
Material Painting 材質繪製
● 一次繪出所有的材質,幾秒內便可為你的貼圖加入精巧的細節。
Monstre1 0
● 使用 Substances 當作筆刷,釋放程序性貼圖繪製強大能力。
Frog3 0
Physically Based Viewport  物理基礎的視埠
在次世代的視埠 (Viewport) 上更精準的預覽你所繪製的貼圖與材質。
Frog PBR 2 0
● Shelf
● Automatic Reprojection 自動重新設計
可在任何時刻修改你的 UVs 或是拓樸而不會失去你目前的工作進度。
● 統一的材質圖層堆疊
厭倦了無止盡的圖層堆疊嗎? 讓你所有的貼圖為同一個圖層當中,讓你可一次對所有或單一圖層編輯。
● 2D繪製
貼圖繪製該是一件很簡單的事。Substance Painter提供完整的工具組以及簡潔的使用者介面。
● 與Substance Designer 4可即時連結
包含分享材質元件庫、即時更新、Deep Painting和後製合成。
● 百分百非破壞性工作流程
在理想的工作流程當中,每一個環節都不應該被破壞。每一筆Substance Painter都應該保留其之後可被編輯的能力。


Digtial-Tutors Introduction to Substance Painter
In this Substance Painter tutorial, we’ll cover the basics of the entire software from the ground up. Texture painting can be such a convoluted process when it comes to making sure you’ve painted each and every map you need for an object. Not to mention the obvious creative disconnect that occurs when you paint each map one at a time. Substance Painter is an amazing application that provides a truly innovative and intuitive painting experience, in that it allows you to paint and preview all of your maps at the same time.
To get started with this course, we’ll first learn how to create and save a Substance Painter project. From here, we’ll take a birds eye view of the interface, learning where all the important things are located. Working in Substance Painter is a little different than other products on the market so next we’ll break down the basic workflow for painting effectively inside of it. From here we’ll begin the process of painting the standard PBR (or physically based rendering) maps for our angry worm asset.
We’ll proceed step-by-step so you’ll be able to follow right along with me. To wrap this course up, we’ll learn how to export our texture maps out of Substance Painter so they can be used in other applications. After finishing this Substance Painter training, you’ll have a solid foundation of knowledge to move forward painting textures inside of Substance Painter.
