Photoshop冰雪环境绘景技术视频教程 Digital-Tutors Matte Painting Different Atmospheric Conditions in Photoshop

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Photoshop冰雪环境绘景技术视频教程 Digital-Tutors Matte Painting Different Atmospheric Conditions in Photoshop

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Photoshop冰雪环境绘景技术视频教程 ,Digital-Tutors Matte Painting Different Atmospheric Conditions in Photoshop,时长:2小时18分,大小:3.3 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Adobe Photoshop CS6,作者:Sorin Bechira,共15个章节,语言:英语。



Digital-Tutors Matte Painting Different Atmospheric Conditions in Photoshop
In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll learn how to make several environment matte paintings using different atmospheric and lighting techniques.
We’ll create a scene with neutral lighting that will serve as a base layout for several types of lighting scenarios and what key factors we should have in mind when dealing with different types of atmospheric conditions. We’ll blend those elements together into a seamless composition by learning how to enhance our scene using custom brushes and giving it mood with color grading.
By the end of this Photoshop training, you’ll understand the key principles of lighting a scene in different weather conditions and this will allow you to create a variety of atmospheres for your future environment matte paintings.
