华丽剪辑快节奏展示动画AE模板 Videohive Posh Moves Presentation 6374806 Project for After Effects

AE模板 最新资源华丽剪辑快节奏展示动画AE模板 Videohive Posh Moves Presentation 6374806 Project for After Effects已关闭评论953

华丽剪辑快节奏展示动画AE模板 Videohive Posh Moves Presentation 6374806 Project for After Effects 

本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的华丽剪辑快节奏展示动画AE模板,Videohive Posh Moves Presentation 6374806 Project for After Effects,大小:140 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920X1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS6, CC。

Videohive Posh Moves Presentation 6374806 Project for After Effects
Trapcode Particular v2.0 REQUIRED
42 placeholders;
HDTV 1920×1080, 30 fps;
CS5, CS5.5, CS6 & CC versions available
Free font (link inside);
Very easy changing the colors – Image and Text tutorial;
Organized project. 
Email support
Tutorials included!

