SpeedTree树木植物UE4与Substance插件V7.0.6版 SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription v7.0.6 & Substance plugin

最新资源SpeedTree树木植物UE4与Substance插件V7.0.6版 SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription v7.0.6 & Substance plugin已关闭评论1,560

SpeedTree树木植物UE4与Substance插件V7.0.6版 SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription v7.0.6 & Substance plugin 

本软件是由speedtree机构出品的SpeedTree树木植物UE4与Substance插件V7.0.6版,SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription v7.0.6 & Substance plugin,大小:100 MB,支持UE4与Substance软件,语言:英语。



工业光魔采用SpeedTree Cinema软件来制作电影《阿凡达》中潘朵拉星球上的树木场景。IDV的新版本软件SpeedTree Studio已经上市,售价895美元。
IDV已经推出了Speed Tree Studio,这是SpeedTree Cinema树木制作软件的实惠版本,价格会有所下降。新产品将这项技术的价格从4995美元降到895美元。
SpeedTree Studio有许多SpeedTree Cinema中的功能,包括用程序或是手绘来制作树木的选项,还有模拟风的效果的选项;但是缺少浮动许可证,世界的构建,直接研发支持和64-bit版本。
产品中附带了5个树木模型,但是您可以在网上从SpeedTree Model Library中购买更多的模型。

SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription v7.0.6 & Substance plugin
Speedtree : Whether you’re using UE4 Custom or UE4.3 Subscription, the integration of SpeedTree® for Games offers a full range of SpeedTree features, including amazing performance, a highly versatile modeling app, lightmap-ready UVs, scalable wind effects, seamless LOD and more.

Substance Plugin :With a full integration in Unreal Engine 4, Substance Engine makes the creation of next-gen textures a seamless experience for even the most ambitious of game developers. This integration comes as a free plugin available for all Unreal 4 licensees.

