角色设计原理大师班视频教程 Schoolism Fundamentals of Character Design with Stephen Silver

学习教程 最新资源角色设计原理大师班视频教程 Schoolism Fundamentals of Character Design with Stephen Silver已关闭评论1,801

角色设计原理大师班视频教程 Schoolism Fundamentals of Character Design with Stephen Silver 

本教程是由角色设计原理大师班视频教程,Schoolism Fundamentals of Character Design with Stephen Silver,大小:1.4 GB,MP4高清格式,共31个章节,作者:Stephen Silver,语言:英语。

Schoolism Fundamentals of Character Design with Stephen Silver
As a character designer, you will be responsible for exploring new ideas through characters. Your role as a designer will be to create major and incidental characters for animated television, feature films, videogames, etc. as well as possibly create characters for your own intellectual properties.

Throughout this course, Stephen will share with you the creative process of drawing that he goes through and his personal techniques for producing successful character designs. You will learn to understand clarity and shape variation, as well as many other important principles and elements of design.

In his lectures, Stephen will provide you with a better understanding of the drawing and design process, and give you tools with which to constantly improve your skills. This 9-lecture course will build your confidence in drawing while inspiring you with new ideas that will help you grow continuously.

