2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年5月刊总第101期 2DArtist Issue 101 May 2014

书籍杂志 最新资源2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年5月刊总第101期 2DArtist Issue 101 May 2014已关闭评论1,154

2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年5月刊总第101期 2DArtist Issue 101 May 2014 

本书籍是关于2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年5月刊总第101期,2DArtist Issue 101 May 2014,大小:106 MB,格式:PDF高清,共104页,语言:英语。


2DArtist Issue 101 May 2014
Bursting with dynamic females, painterly portraits and standout caricatures: issue 101 is full of impressive characters! Fernanda Suarez flips open her sketchbook and Sabin Boykinov gives us an insight into his career creating digital art in the games industry!
Issue 101 also delves into tips for lighting your 2D scenes, with top techniques from Nacho Yagüe and Geoffrey Ernault! And there’s a wealth of inspirational art from Tim Löchner, Laura Sava, Efflam Mercier and more.

