《数字音频编辑工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0 build 31)

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《数字音频编辑工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0 build 31)
        Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium  是一款理想的音频编辑与后制最佳应用软件,它包含各种录制与制作符合CD音频品质的工具,包括录音、频谱分析、编辑、烧录CD等专业工具。它的使用者界面是以运算速度、精准度、与易用等想法而设计,支持的讯号可达192k Hz和32位的声音取样品质,不管是录音或编辑,都可以达到最高的声音品质。
        Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium  是一个强大的声音编辑程序,它拥有对声音进行动态处理,实时降噪,格式转换,时标调整,均衡,加入合唱效果、混响效果等等一些功能。用它配合其他工具软件可以做出很不错的卡拉OK,对于效果不好声音或卡拉OK进行处理后,可以达到很专业的水平。 
《数字音频编辑工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0 build 31)
《数字音频编辑工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0 build 31)
《数字音频编辑工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0 build 31)
《数字音频编辑工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0 build 31)
Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium  is an ideal solution for audio editing and mastering. The program contains everything you need to create great sounding recordings and audio CDs, including professional tools for recording, analysis, editing and CD burning. The Acoustica user interface was designed with speed, accuracy and ease of use in mind. The support for audio resolutions up to 32 bit and sampling rates up to 192 kHz allows you to record and edit in an amazing audio quality.
A large range of high quality audio tools and effects are integrated in Acoustica — including tools for dynamic processing, equalizing, numerous effects such as reverb, chorus and flanger, as well time stretching and key transposition tools. Recordings distorted by noise, clicks, crackle, clipping or missing high frequency content can be restored. The support for DirectX and VST plug-ins allows you to use tools and effects from other third party manufacturers directly from Acoustica.
Before you install Acoustica, please make sure your computer fulfills the following requirements:
A Pentium IV or higher
Minimum 256 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
Graphics card with minimum 16 bit color depth
A Windows compatible sound cards
Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP
Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium Portable | 13.4 M

