《运用Maya2011和ZBrush4制作游戏角色》(Digital-Tutors : Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4 )

学习教程《运用Maya2011和ZBrush4制作游戏角色》(Digital-Tutors : Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4 )已关闭评论1,106

英文名: Digital-Tutors : Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4
资源格式: 压缩包
素材分类: CG教程
素材容量: 2.02Gb 
素材格式: Flv
出品机构: Digital-Tutors
发行时间: 2010年12月
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
《运用Maya2011和ZBrush4制作游戏角色》(Digital-Tutors : Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4 )-图片1
Digital-Tutors : Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4

In this course we will use Maya to create a game-type, low-resolution character from a highly detailed ZBrush model.
In this course, we'll go through the process of using Maya and Zbrush to convert a high resolution, sculpted and painted character into a low resolution game-type mesh that can be rigged and animated. We'll start by using Decimation Master to reduce the resolution of our model drastically while retaining much of the visual detail. Once we're in Maya, we'll build low resolution geometry around these detailed meshes to capture the important shapes of the character. We'll create uv layouts for the low resolution pieces and finally extract the color and sculpted detail from our high resolution pieces onto the new mesh. In the end we'll have taken a model of 20 million polygons down to a very useable 8-10k. Once you're done, you'll be able to use the workflow to transfer and convert your own high resolution characters into a more useable state.

《运用Maya2011和ZBrush4制作游戏角色》(Digital-Tutors : Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4 )-图片2

Lesson Outline (27 lessons)
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Splitting up the character's body
3. Preparing and exporting the body
4. Preparing and exporting the clothing
5. Preparing and exporting the eyes
6. Transferring high resolution pieces to Maya
7. Building the low resolution pants
8. Adding the belt and buckle
9. Finishing the low resolution pants
10. Creating a UV layout for the pants and boots
11. Starting the low resolution head
12. Working on the ears
13. Finishing the head geometry
14. Rebuilding the hands
15. Finishing the hands and arms
16. Creating a UV layout for the body
17. Beginning the low resolution torso
18. Finishing the vest shape
19. Completing the main vest geometry
20. Adding the vest details
21. Reducing the resolution
22. Creating a UV layout for the torso
23. Baking out maps for the body
24. Baking out maps for the pants
25. Baking out maps for the torso
26. Fixing texture issues in Photoshop
27. Creating specular maps

