本书籍是关于2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2014年3月刊总第99期,2DArtist Issue 099 March 2014,大小:110 MB,格式:PDF高清,共99页,语言:英语。
2DArtist Issue 099 March 2014
Welcome to the March issue of 2dartist magazine!
We love the seamless fusion of reality and mythology of this month’s cover image, created by Miklós Földi. Discover how Miklós draws upon his experiences in oil painting to create a soft, painterly effect in Painter while trying new forms and styles in the project overview of his image Horns over on page 72!
Also discover that it’s never too late to break into the industry as Jan Urschel chats about his eventful journey and the experiences he’s gained along that road! As ever, we also have loads of helpful tutorials and insightful articles from industry professionals for you to be inspired by. Enjoy!