AE图形复杂运动动画训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors Explaining Complex Topics with Motion Graphics in After Effects

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AE图形复杂运动动画训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors Explaining Complex Topics with Motion Graphics in After Effects

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的AE图形复杂运动动画训练视频教程,Digital-Tutors Explaining Complex Topics with Motion Graphics in After Effects,时长:5小时57分,大小:1.58 GB,格式:MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:After Effects CC, Illustrator 17.0.0,作者:Laura Smith,共50个章节,语言:英语。

After Effects是Adobe公司推出的一款图形视频处理软件,适用于从事设计和视频特技的机构,包括电视台、动画制作公司、个人后期制作工作室以及多媒体工作室。而在新兴的用户群,如网页设计师和图形设计师中,也开始有越来越多的人在使用After Effects。属于层类型后期软件。

AE全称After Effect是adobe公司开发的一个视频剪辑及设计软件。After Effects ,用于高端视频特效系统的专业特效合成软件,隶属美国Adobe公司。它借鉴了许多优秀软件的的成功之处,将视频特效合成上升到了新的高度:Photoshop中层的引入 ,使AE可以对多层的合成图像进行控制,制作出天衣无缝的合成效果; 关键帧、路径的引入,使我们对控制高级的二维动画游刃有余;高效的视频处理系统,确保了高质量视频的输出;令人眼花缭乱的特技系统使AE能实现使用者的一切创意;AE同样保留有Adobe优秀的软件相互兼容性。


Digital-Tutors Explaining Complex Topics with Motion Graphics in After Effects
In this series of tutorials, we will go through the steps from start to finish for creating a video that explains a hard to understand topic.
Often times people turn to motion graphics to explain difficult topics and it can be a challenge for motion designers to know how to get started and how to create videos like this. We will go through the process of analyzing the script to choose what assets to create and how they should work. We then bring those assets into After Effects and approach creating the video step by step, ensuring that we explain the topic as easily as possible using a contrast of motion and pauses.
We also learn how to speed up your workflow by creating animation presets and some keyboard shortcuts that make working in After Effects much quicker. We learn lots of tricks for smoothing your animations out and we find some unconventional uses for effects that you may have used before, but never like this.
This training is for you if you want to make beautiful motion graphics pieces that require a lot of design consideration for the flow of an explanation.
