国外优秀矢量素材合辑第一季 The New Colossal Bundle Top-Quality Resources

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国外优秀矢量素材合辑第一季 The New Colossal Bundle Top-Quality Resources

本合辑是由inkydeals机构出品的国外优秀矢量素材合辑第一季,The New Colossal Bundle Top-Quality Resources,2.95 GB,包含插图包、纹理、T恤设计、笔刷等价值近1万美金上千个矢量素材,共广大设计师学习使用。

The New Colossal Bundle Top-Quality Resources
You will get:
- 117 Vector Sets worth $1,755
- 425 Vector Illustrations worth $1,700
- 40 T-shirt Designs worth $600
- 18 Texture Packs worth $265
- Tatianna Font Family worth $35
DesignTNT Massive Library
- 233 Vector Sets worth $2,290
- 101 Web & Print Resources Packs worth $1,070
- 109 Photoshop & Illustrator Addons worth $1,036
- 69 High-Resolution Texture Packs worth $729
- 67 Brushes Sets worth $486
- 10 Premium Tutorials worth $97

