幻想艺术漫画绘制训练书籍 How to Draw Fantasy Females Create Sexy Cyberpunks Seductive Supergirls and Raunchy All-Action Heroines

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幻想艺术漫画绘制训练书籍 How to Draw Fantasy Females Create Sexy Cyberpunks Seductive Supergirls and Raunchy All-Action Heroines

本书籍是关于幻想艺术漫画绘制训练书籍,How to Draw Fantasy Females Create Sexy Cyberpunks Seductive Supergirls and Raunchy All-Action Heroines,大小:43 MB,PDF高清格式,共128页,语言:英语。

How to Draw Fantasy Females Create Sexy Cyberpunks Seductive Supergirls and Raunchy All-Action Heroines
Step-by-step illustrations show female anatomy and proportion, ways to render poses and body shapes, and methods to exaggerate or simplify female shapes for special effects. Artists learn to create convincing drawings of seductive supergirls, action heroines, sexy cyberpunks, feisty Manga babes, and other types. Instruction includes methods for drawing facial features, head-turning hairstyles, and fantasy wardrobes with eye-popping metal bikinis and skin-tight jumpsuits. A historical overview of females in animation and comics covers styles from Betty Boop to Tank Girl. The author explains the importance of storytelling in art and discusses ways to develop story concepts before starting to draw. Chapters that follow focus on choosing art equipment (pencils, papers, brushes, inks, paints, and pixels), selecting appropriate drawing styles to match characters’ personalities, rendering different feminine types, from goddess to the girl next door, and more.The book concludes with a brief survey of the business of commercial art, with advice on how and where to sell finished work, how to draw characters to order, and how artists can protect their rights. More than 200 flamboyant, full-color illustrations.

