人像裂痕沙化风格化PS动作合辑 GraphicRiver pure art hand drawing 21 good micang art replica 5117758

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人像裂痕沙化风格化PS动作合辑 GraphicRiver pure art hand drawing 21 good micang art replica 5117758

本PS模板是由GraphicRiver机构出品的人像裂痕沙化风格化PS动作合辑,GraphicRiver pure art hand drawing 21 good micang art replica 5117758,大小:40 MB,格式:ATN PAT,包含人像裂痕沙化风格化PS动作文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:建议Photoshop CS4或以上版本。

GraphicRiver pure art hand drawing 21 good micang art replica 5117758
A very rare drawing style inspired by one of the world’s greatest artists. You can’t afford to miss this!

Pure Art Hand Drawing 19 – Great LDaV Art Replica
Package nameure Art Hand Drawing 21 – Good MicAng Art Replica
Software version: Photoshop CS5
Copyright: July 5, 2013
Author: Charles Brown

Complexity: Well-labeled ‘ACTION’ operation and easy to modify to suit your need.Your main image stays unharmed and the final drawing is transparent, thereby giving you the chance to place it on any background.

- Undergoes serious edge trace
- Unbeatable quality result
- Renders transparent drawing
- Digital Lab Tested
From the maker of “Action Pro Sketching and Painting” and “Advance Comics Publication Bundle” comes an amazing realistic hand sketch image action. This package traces the edges/lines of your artwork and extracts them from the background and transforms the lines into an artistic hand drawing.

