Toon Boom Harmony互交式动画制作软件V10.3版 Toon Boom Harmony v10.3.0.8663 Win64

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Toon Boom Harmony互交式动画制作软件V10.3版 Toon Boom Harmony v10.3.0.8663 Win64-图片1

本软件是由ToonBoom机构出品的Toon Boom Harmony互交式动画制作软件V10.3版,Toon Boom Harmony v10.3.0.8663 Win64,大小:283 MB,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

Toon Boom Animate 是一个独特的基于矢量的动画协同设计(交互式设计)动画制作软件,包括内容制作,合成,并通过媒体交付给观众整个流程,是动画师,数字工作室,学生和教育工作者设计的理想的完全数字动画软件。

无论您是在传统的培训或数字动画领域,Toon Boom Animate都适应您的创造性的方式。它也支持大部分标准格式和无缝资源调动,多通道的数字格式输出.

Toon Boom Animate 用户使用友好和先进的创新能力添加动画到库使它成为你的专用动画工具包。它的快捷方式设置适合用于Adobe ®产品和动画技术的循环使用.

Toon Boom Animate汇集了为市场定制的最先进的动画功能.所有的元素都嵌在一个灵活的环境中:矢量,位图,元件,定位钉,照相机,变形,反向运动学和先进的口形同步等等。

支持SWF文件输出,支持QT脚本,有IK功能,还有3D环境.最重要的是手绘功能好过FLASH.支持摄影机的移动.还有摄影表功能.同样有和FLASH差不多的元件功能.TOON BOOM公司这新软件明显是将FLASH的作为竞争对手.总之很多功能都和FLASH差不多,但手绘功能明显好过FLASH.还有口型同步功能.QT脚本需要安装了QUICKTIME才可以使用.以前装TOON BOOM公司的产品都要装QT.现在Toon Boom Animate不用安装QUICKTIME,只是要使用QT脚本需要安装QUICKTIME,FLASH CS4有很多功能都参考了TOON BOOM 公司以前的产品.但Toon Boom Animate都很多功能都参考了FLASH.最明显的是元件功能.Toon Boom Animate和TOON BOOM公司的其它软件相比更容易学习,熟悉FLASH的人对这软件很快都可以熟悉.

Toon Boom Harmony互交式动画制作软件V10.3版 Toon Boom Harmony v10.3.0.8663 Win64-图片2

Toon Boom Harmony v10.3.0.8663 Win64
Production Proven Animation Solution
With the ever-increasing assortment of television channels and broadcast media, as well as a growing demand for local content, animation studios need to create fresh content in an evolving number of formats for satellite, cable, mobile, IPTV and the web. In that context, Toon Boom Harmony is the most advantageous solution, handling all steps from pre-production to design, animation, compositing and multi-platform rendering.

Impressive New Features
Racing Engine
Benefit from a powerful 64-bit engine, driving enhancements in speed, performance, and handling of this ground-breaking animation software.
Go Further
Take advantage of all the available memory on your system. The new engine powers the ability to go further than ever before. Render high definition projects, as well as high quality images, in 2K, 4K, 8K, and more.
Real-Time Maneuvering
Experience the advantages when handling the software directly, with both a faster user interface and interactive playback. See these improvements when working with very simple, or very complex, scenes with character rigs and deformation.
Experience the benefits of 64-bit when compositing and rendering special effects. Take advantage of the multi-thread technology and rendering improvements to export faster and more elaborate scenes. Notice the difference when exporting large bitmaps, gradients, and complex backgrounds. Output very sophisticated scenes with particles, complex effects, as well as 2D-3D integration.
