Silo基础入门训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Sculpting in Silo

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Silo基础入门训练视频教程 Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Sculpting in Silo

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Silo基础入门训练视频教程,Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Sculpting in Silo,时长:2小时24分,大小:1 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Silo 2.2,共13个章节,作者:Antony Ward,共13个章节,语言:英语。

Silo 是一款专注于建模的三维软件,既适合生物建模也适合规则物体建模。 可用它为视频游戏及电影创建角色或是建筑。
Silo 目前被全球顶尖工作室所使用着,即可以单独用它也可以配合多个软件平台使用。

Silo 2.0引进许多新工作流程提高和工具,包括完全UV纹理质地编辑和iso移置绘画强大新功能。Silo是一款3D造型软件,它着重于3D设计、动画、录影游戏制作和传达想法等领域的模型建造和塑形。出道虽短,但已广受当今最大的演播室、赋有天才的专家、热情激昂的沉迷者和新学员们的欢迎。至Silo v1.x版单击一次就可直接连接外部的几处渲染点,并且它还人人素材允许决大多数3D动画和经过渲染后的obj、3ds、dxf、rib、和pov打包输出。


Digital-Tutors Getting Started with Sculpting in Silo
Silo has a great suite of modeling tools but with this tutorial we want to introduce you to another, often overlooked, aspect of the application and those are its sculpting tools.

Before we dive in and begin sculpting we will start the course by looking at how to quickly configure Silo to work in harmony with a Wacom Cintiq. This is the hardware I will be using throughout the tutorial but its important to state that you can easily follow along using a keyboard and mouse, or any other graphics tablet.

Once the environment is set we will then take a basic Hoola Girl model and work over each element, enhancing the surface detail using just the Paint Displacement tools.
You can expect to learn with this tutorial that Silo is more than just a modeling package. Its sculpting tools may be basic, but with time and effort you can achieve great results in a short amount of time.
