MAGIX魔力影音编辑软件X5V12.0.13.2版 MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN

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MAGIX魔力影音编辑软件X5V12.0.13.2版 MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN-图片1

本软件是由magix机构出品的MAGIX魔力影音编辑软件X5V12.0.13.2版,MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN,大小:370 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

MAGIS Video Pro S5 是屡获殊荣和操作直观及功能强大的专业视频编辑软件。能提供对蓝光视频的支持。用户可输入SDCAM便携录像机拍摄的视频素材,该软件可编辑AVCHD素材,用户还可通过它来刻录5.1声道蓝光盘片。它提供了用于视频编辑和详细声音增强的功能强大的现代工具,无可比拟的范围。优化的工作空间和出色的表现提供了独特的性能。

现代的技术、创新的功能,以及德国公司 MAGIS公司在视频和音频领域的长期经验,提供专业的效果和完美的画面质量和声音。面向专业用户的独特要求,提供了功能强大的后期制作工具。改进的性能,详细的编辑选项和多年来对高级软件的开发经验,结合了易用性的专业视频编辑,保证了专业、完美的声音和视觉效果和高效的工作流程。

MAGIX魔力影音编辑软件X5V12.0.13.2版 MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN-图片2


MAGIX魔力影音编辑软件X5V12.0.13.2版 MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN-图片3

MAGIX魔力影音编辑软件X5V12.0.13.2版 MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN-图片3

MAGIX Video Pro X5 WIN
MAGIX Video Pro X5 is the perfect software solution for intuitive and powerful video production. This multi-award-winning video editing suite, which is geared towards the unique requirements of professional users, offers an unrivaled range of powerful post-production tools.

Improved performance, detailed editing options and years of experience in the field of advanced software development guarantee professional results in perfect sound and vision and an efficient workflow that combines professional video editing with ease of use.

Top features
Innovative open Timeline with optimized object handling
Hybrid Video Engine (supports Intel® Quick Sync Video)
Professional format support (XDCAM, AVC-Intra, DVCPRO50/HD etc.)
Scalable proxy-editing
Primary and secondary 3-way color correction
MultiCam Editing on up to 9 tracks
Full Stereo3D support
Three and four point editing
Precise Surround Sound audio editing in broadcast quality
Disc authoring for DVD, AVCHD and Blu-ray Disc
Broadcast quality file export with batch processing
