企业宣传设计板式AE模板 VideoHive Corporate Presentation 1447132 Project for After Effects

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企业宣传设计板式AE模板 VideoHive Corporate Presentation 1447132 Project for After Effects-图片1


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企业宣传设计板式AE模板 VideoHive Corporate Presentation 1447132 Project for After Effects-图片3


本AE模板是由Videohive机构出品的流体火焰Logo标志演绎AE模板,VideoHive Fluid Ident 5101083 Project for After Effects,大小:145 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS4, CS5, CS6, CC。

VideoHive Corporate Presentation 1447132 Project for After Effects
Editing 1-click: On/OFF Wiggle, Color & Opacity
Icons can be placed anywhere in
No plug-ins required
Video Tutorial
Quick and easy to customise
