LBrush雕刻工具maya插件V6.5.27版 JoeAlter LipService wLBrush v6.5.27 For Maya 2012-2014 Win64

最新资源LBrush雕刻工具maya插件V6.5.27版 JoeAlter LipService wLBrush v6.5.27 For Maya 2012-2014 Win64已关闭评论1,933

本插件是由chaosgroup公司出品的LBrush雕刻工具maya插件V6.5.27版,JoeAlter LipService wLBrush v6.5.27 For Maya 2012-2014 Win64,大小:27 MB,支持Maya2012–2014版软件,支持Win64系统。

LBrush雕刻工具,是构成动画和绑定功能的基础。LBrush是一个一流的多分辨率细分曲面雕刻工具,它与ZBrush和Mudbox比较相似,例如,具有模板笔刷(stencil brushes)、平滑、推、拉、拉伸和融合变形等。 LipService是一个强大的多分辨率细分曲面雕刻、绑定和动画系统,已经被内置到了Maya插件中。LipService的雕刻工具能够兼容ZBrush和Mudbox,而它的动画工具也从动画到绑定上扩展了多分辨率编辑理念。

目前,在处理角色和生物动画上面,绑定是最不能令人满意的。像ILM、Weta、Sony Imageworks和Dreamworks都在创意软件上做出了巨大努力,使得绑定师能够制作出更好的模型姿势。
我们已经扩展了Pose Space Deformation和Corrective Sculpting这两种理念,这在以前的商业版本中根本没有应用。目前,它们已经完全集成到我们的雕刻和动画流程中,相比以前,可以更加友好的被使用。   CORRECTIVE SCULPT ANIMATION(修正雕刻动画)所有人的共同愿望是希望在进行角色蒙皮或类似布料一类仿真时,能够在动画或仿真已经完成之后,可以继续使用他们的雕刻
工具去“修复”或“美化”。现在他们能够做到。无需中断变形和融合这些基础动画类型,你可以在顶部的正切空间中进行分层雕刻。correctional sculpt animation(修正雕刻动画)也可以用来美化类似肌肉弯曲、血管扩张等一类的工作。 FACIAL ANIMATION(面部动画)LipService实际上在15年前就开始了面部动画系统的研究。这个软件的一个重要好处就是非线性插值,事实上,对于每一个顶点而言,都有样条曲线运动路径。随着雕刻功能被完全集成到软件中,大量的雕刻工具可以帮助动画师和模型师创建快速的变形库,并且以前所未有的速度去制作高质量的面部动画。你还可以使用姿势空间的变形工具,对面部动作进行捕捉。

JoeAlter LipService wLBrush v6.5.27 For Maya 2012-2014 Win64
LipService is a powerful multi-resolution subdivision surface sculpting, rigging, paint and animation system built into a friendly and intuitively organized Maya plugin.

LipService’s sculpting tools are comparable to ZBrush** and Mudbox*. Its animation tools extend this multi-resoltion editing philosophy through to motion and rigging.
Our latest version has a new feature called ‘muscle memory’ that makes it easier than ever to train the PSD engine with any kind of deformer (muscle, cloth, etc) – when you turn it on, the simulation is detached and it runs from memory. You can do further sculpting on top of that. The feature is similar to Weta’s Academy Award Winning “Tissue” inhouse system.

Utilizing tools like PSD, Corrective Sculpt, Performance Animation, Shape Animation and Blendshapes at the subpoly level allows you to increase the amount of animated detail in your scene by orders of magnitude. The integrated sculpting tools offer the tightest workflow you’ll find anywhere. This is the first time we’ve ever seen this kind of tool.
Even inhouse tools at the largest studios in the industry do not do this yet, which is why they’ve been eager to test it during beta and track its progress.
