AfterEffects渐进提高技巧视频教程 How to Cheat in After Effects

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AfterEffects渐进提高技巧视频教程 How to Cheat in After Effects

本书籍是关于AfterEffects渐进提高技巧视频教程,How to Cheat in After Effects,大小:65 MB,PDF高清格式,共371页,语言:英语。

After Effects是Adobe公司推出的一款图形视频处理软件,适用于从事设计和视频特技的机构,包括电视台、动画制作公司、个人后期制作工作室以及多媒体工作室。而在新兴的用户群,如网页设计师和图形设计师中,也开始有越来越多的人在使用After Effects。属于层类型后期软件。

AE全称After Effect是adobe公司开发的一个视频剪辑及设计软件。After Effects ,用于高端视频特效系统的专业特效合成软件,隶属美国Adobe公司。它借鉴了许多优秀软件的的成功之处,将视频特效合成上升到了新的高度:Photoshop中层的引入 ,使AE可以对多层的合成图像进行控制,制作出天衣无缝的合成效果; 关键帧、路径的引入,使我们对控制高级的二维动画游刃有余;高效的视频处理系统,确保了高质量视频的输出;令人眼花缭乱的特技系统使AE能实现使用者的一切创意;AE同样保留有Adobe优秀的软件相互兼容性。

How to Cheat in After Effects
“How to Cheat in After Effects is an easy-to-follow book that lets you in on all of the little secrets to create those commonly needed effects with ease and speed. With clear pictures illustrating the step-by-step procedures, this is the perfect tool for the arsenal of any After Effects user, from novice to advanced.”
- Michele Yamazaki, Vice President Marketing and Web Development Czarina,
Compose eye-popping After Effects projects quickly and creatively with dozens of concise, step-by-step tutorials accompanied by vivid 4-color illustration. Covering features new to CS5 such as Freeform AE, Refine Matte, Roto Brush, and more, this book clearly explains how to perform advanced, typically time-consuming tasks in simplified, quick steps.

* Create an entire 3D planet scene from scratch
* Create true 3D text
* Make smoke, snow, rain, chocolate, molten gold, and more from scratch with particles
* Create animated growing vines
* Fake a tilt shift effect, and so much more
