DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers

视频素材 最新资源DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers已关闭评论1,217

DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片1

本合辑是由DigitalJuice机构出品的DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑,Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers,大小:6.38 GB,格式:ISO MOV,共包含40个视频素材合辑。

著名Digital Juice发行的商业级动态影视视频素材--电视台,影视公司,广告公司等专用的动态影视音效素材,影视制作和影视后期设计人员必备的专业素材。它是一套专业的影视后期视频素材,被广泛的各影视制作公司和电视台!“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有素材的支持,创作便成了无源之水,无本之木。精彩的创意最终需要素材来构建。而且,丰富、精美的素材会极大地激发你的创作灵感。以具体、精美的素材为基础的创意,必然产生高效率的制作和完美的艺术作品。影视制作和影视后期设计人员的佳品!


DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2
DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片2

Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers
Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Breakthroughs 3 elevate the new
With a name originating from the Greek word strobos meaning ''act of whirling'', a strobe is a device used to produce regular flashes of light which can be used to give the appearance of slow motion, or to quickly light a scene with a sudden burst of synchronized light in order to capture fast action on a camera. Conversely, when a continuous light shines unsteadily or intermittently, it is said to flicker and you get intermittent flashes of shade or darkness. In both cases, the interplay of sudden light and sudden dark can affect how we perceive the action behind it -- a useful trick to have in any production arsenal. The Matte Magic Strobes & Flickers Collection allows you to combine your footage with a deceptively straightforward library of easy to use and fast to render black and white matte animations that will light your productions with the kind of flashing, flickering motion that mimics the passing of objects in front of the camera and simulates movement that doesn't exist in the clip.This can add unique visual interest and specific lighting effects that will bring any project out of the ordinary and up to a higher level of motion design magic.

The Matte Magic Strobes & Flickers volume includes more than 40 uniquely useful animated mattes with a variety of flashing, flickering, strobe-lit effects. The clips in this collection include a variety of intricately choreographed, rhythmically diverse, soft and hard shapes and motions. The matte motion is designed to momentarily distract your viewer with effects that add active vigor to your footage by simulating more energetic lighting environments in modern-day chiaroscuro tableaus. Simply by adding any of these mattes on top of your footage with the appropriate luma matte setting, you can elevate your footage from the mundane to the sublime, instantly raising the production value of any type of production from promos to montages, show opens to event videos.

DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片3



DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片4



DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片5



DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片6



DJ魔法视效系列之渲染气氛遮罩动画背景视频素材合辑 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Strobes & Flickers-图片7

