DJ魔法视效系列之遮罩背景视频素材合辑第一季 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Breakthroughs 1 Break out of the ordinary

视频素材 最新资源DJ魔法视效系列之遮罩背景视频素材合辑第一季 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Breakthroughs 1 Break out of the ordinary已关闭评论1,314

DJ魔法视效系列之遮罩背景视频素材合辑第一季 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Breakthroughs 1 Break out of the ordinary-图片1

本合辑是由DigitalJuice机构出品的DJ魔法视效系列之遮罩背景视频素材合辑第一季,Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Breakthroughs 1 Break out of the ordinary,大小:6.8 GB,格式:ISO MOV,共包含15套270个视频素材专辑。

著名Digital Juice发行的商业级动态影视音效素材--电视台,影视公司,广告公司等专用的动态影视音效素材,影视制作和影视后期设计人员必备的专业素材。它是一套专业的影视后期音效素材 被广泛的各影视制作公司和电视台!“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有素材的支持,创作便成了无源之水,无本之木。精彩的创意最终需要素材来构建。而且,丰富、精美的素材会极大地激发你的创作灵感。以具体、精美的素材为基础的创意,必然产生高效率的制作和完美的艺术作品。影视制作和影视后期设计人员的佳品!


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Digital Juice Matte Magic Series Collection Vol.1
Matte Magic Series – A brand new series created by video editors for video editors! This Quicktime-based collection of black & white animated mattes helps you create magic when combined with your footage. Inspired transitions, edgy vignettes or breakthrough patterns — drag, drop, set the luma matte & you’re done! No plugins, no heavy renders, no hassles!

One of the most powerful features in any editing application is the black and white matte. It gives you the power to mask or cut out areas of your video, so that you can mix and merge it with other clips, animations or even just with black.
Mattes are used everywhere, including music videos, show opens & high end commercials. They are simple to use and best of all, they keep your footage as the star. However, making a great matte, particularly a great animated matte, can be difficult and time-consuming. That’s where Matte Magic comes in!

The Digital Juice Matte Magic product line is an exciting new library of clip-based black and white matte animations that take the drudgery out of the creative process while letting you, as the designer, focus on what really matters — getting a great look that complements your footage! Simply by adding any of these mattes on top of your footage with the appropriate luma matte setting, you can elevate your footage from the mundane to the sublime, raising the production value of a project instantly.

• Includes 10 Collections:
MM Breakthroughs 1 – Break out of the ordinary with more than 270 animated mattes in 15 sets
MM Breakthroughs 2 – Breakthrough to magic with more than 245 mattes in 15 matching sets
MM Breakthroughs 3 – Break out of the box with more than 260 animated mattes in 15 sets
MM Vignettes Dynamic Contrast – Focus your footage with 60 animated vignette mattes with dynamic contrast
MM Vignettes Rough & Ready – 60 animated vignettes to add a rough-edged focus to your footage
MM Vignettes Soft & Subtle – 65 subtle animated vignette mattes to softly focus your footage
MM Transwipes Soft – Transit in style on your next project with 75 soft-edged animated mattes
MM Transwipes Medium – The perfect mix of hard and soft in 75 animated transition mattes
MM Transwipes Hard – 75 hard-edged animated mattes let you transition in defined style
MM Strobes & Flickers – More than 40 animated mattes to add dynamic lighting to your projects

• More than 1200 Quicktime Clips and Overlays – Gives you the variety you need to find the perfect complement to your footage.
• Ultra-fast renders – Black and white mattes don’t add heavy render times to your project
• Easy to use – Simply drop animated matte clips on top of your footage with the appropriate Luma Matte setting. Customize further by adding a solid color or animated background.
• Works with any video editing system or motion design software – All effects are Quicktime clips that will work with all editing and motion design software. There’s nothing new to learn. Matte Magic simply leverages the power you already have with your editing or motion design software including Avid, Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas Pro, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Apple Motion and more.
• 1920×1080 HD resolution – Designed at full HD resolution for maximum flexibility and versatility
• Requires No Plugins – No need to spend countless hours finding just the right settings, then waiting for renders.

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