Mocha二维跟踪软件V3.2.1版 Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 3.2.1 v7276 Win32 Win64

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Mocha二维跟踪软件V3.2.1版 Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 3.2.1 v7276 Win32 Win64-图片1

本软件是由imagineersystems公司出品的Mocha二维跟踪软件V3.2.1版,Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 3.2.1 v7276 Win32 Win64,支持Win与MacOSX,大小:74 MBB,语言:英语。

一款独立的2D跟踪软件,基于图形独特的3.0平面跟踪系统. mocha 作为一种高成本的有效跟踪解决方案,具有多种功能,产生二维立体跟踪能力,即使在最艰难的短片拍摄,可也节省大量时间和金钱.



magineer Systems宣布了其最新的64位视觉特效软件mocha Pro,可以立即安装使用。凭借超过8年的工程研究和开发,mocha Pro能够给数字媒体艺术家提供强大的、直观的和创新的追踪解决方案用简化的界面、加速的工作流程以及轻松追踪和操作镜头的强大性,这些都不同于传统解决方案。mocha Pro是一款理想的电影/视频后期制作、创意动画和2D、3D互转的特效工具。

mocha Pro继承了获奖软件mocha的优势,能够提供平面追踪(planar tracking)和抠像工具(rotoscoping tools)。除此之外,它还增加了面向运动匹配的合成工具、自动图像和钢丝擦除、镜头扭曲校正和稳定工具,能够将所有的功能都集成到一个特效工具集中。通过将最好的产品mokey 和monet结合到一起,Imagineer现在提供了一款具有所有功能的工具。mocha Pro的清除模块是行业中独一无二的,可以用来绘画、克隆和手动追踪。

“我转向使用mocha Pro来快速解决复杂的特效镜头。mocha Pro具有保证的结果是我最大的信赖。”Jake Morrison如是说。
对象清除和clean plate generation
插入合成和mesh warper

Mocha二维跟踪软件V3.2.1版 Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 3.2.1 v7276 Win32 Win64-图片2

mocha Pro也传递了大量的新功能,包括:
从所有当前Imagineer Systems解决方案的简单轻松的更新路径

Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 3.2.1 v7276 Win32 Win64
One program that combines powerful Planar Tracking with tools for Roto, Object Removal, Lens Calibration, Stabilization, 3D Camera Solver and more. mocha Pro integrates with all industry-popular applications and is the ideal post production utility for feature films, broadcast, and finishing. Whether solving tracks and match moves, removing unwanted pixels or cutting roto mattes… mocha Pro dramatically saves time.

mocha v3 Layer Ctrl
Planar Tracker – Honored in 2013 with Science & Engineering Academy Award
Lens: Analyze and calibrate lens distortion. Render or export.
Remove: Faster than clone & paint. Remove unwanted objects, create clean plates.
Roto: Designed for professional roto artists to work more efficiently and share projects.
3D Camera Solve: Built on Planar Tracker, a unique alternative to feature tracking.
Stabilize with Auto-Fill, Insert with Mesh Warper and more. view tech specs
3D Camera Solve

Mocha二维跟踪软件V3.2.1版 Imagineer Systems Mocha Pro 3.2.1 v7276 Win32 Win64-图片3

What’s New
• RED (R3D) file support
• Lens Improvements: Export Distortion Maps to AE, Nuke, Flame, Fusion & more.
• Improved Roto: Transform Tool and Join Layers (parent control points).
• Project Management: Organize and group layers. Share and merge projects.
• Dope Sheet: keyframe editor simplifies animation retiming, copy & paste.
Supports Industry Popular Applications

Apple Final Cut & Motion, Adobe After Effects, Avid|DS, Assimilate Scratch, Autodesk Flame & Smoke, Boris FX, Eyeon Fusion, Quantel, Red Giant Warp and Nuke.

Render mattes, inserts, lens undistorts and removes for any editing or finishing system.
3D Camera Export to: After Effects and FBX (Nuke, Maya, Cinema 4D & more)
