Maya2014三维动画软件VSP1版 Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension SP1 Win Mac Linux XFORCE

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Maya2014三维动画软件VSP1版 Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension SP1 Win Mac Linux XFORCE

本软件是由Autodesk机构出品的Maya2014三维动画软件VSP1版,Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension SP1 Win Mac Linux XFORCE,大小:5.2 GB,支持Win Mac Linux系统,语言:英语。

Autodesk® Maya® 2014软件提供了实用的工具集,可帮助从事三维动画、视效、游戏设计和后期制作工作的企业开发和维护先进的开放式工作流,从容应对如今严峻的生产挑战。强大的全新动态仿真、动画和渲染工具集能够帮助艺术家实现全新的创意水平,同时获得更高的生产力,从而保证预算和进度。此外,Maya 2013中引入的开放数据倡议(Open Data initiative)还可以帮助实现以数据为中心的非线性工作流程。借助该软件,内容创作者可以同步开展工作,从而更高效地完成项目并更轻松地处理大量的复杂性要求。

Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension SP1 Win Mac Linux XFORCE
The Extension for Autodesk® Maya® 2014 software brings you the power of some of the industry’s best technology, with new tools and enhancements that help you more easily create the complex, high-quality assets required by today’s demanding productions. With the XGen Arbitrary Primitive Generator for creating hair, fur, feathers, grass, foliage, and other instanced data; a new retopology toolset; new robust and efficient Boolean operations; and enhancements to the Bullet physics plug-in, the Extension for Maya 2014 delivers increased productivity to modelers, animators, and effects artists.
