本软件是由Adobe公司出品的Adobe控制中心软件V6.0.1.6 CC版,Adobe Bridge CC v. Win,大小:562 MB,支持Win系统,语言:英语。
Adobe Bridge 是 Adobe Creative Suite 的控制中心。 您使用它来组织、浏览和寻找所需资源,用于创建供印刷、网站和移动设备使用的内容。 Adobe Bridge 使您可以方便地访问本地 PSD、AI、INDD 和 Adobe PDF 文件以及其它 Adobe 和非 Adobe 应用程序文件。您可以将资源按照需要拖移到版面中进行预览,甚至向其中添加元数据。 Bridge 既可以独立使用,也可以从 Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator、Adobe InDesign 和 Adobe GoLive 中使用。
Adobe Bridge CC v. Win
Adobe Bridge CC gives you centralized access to all multimedia resources necessary for creative projects. You can easily edit the components in batch mode, edit your digital images in a format RAW, to work with the formats of XMP and IPTC, add watermarks , display rating images , centrally set the color options , and even run different versions of a file.
Image files can be presented as a preview of various sizes , slide shows or lists . Each folder is labeled cache file to speed up the rendering time of images when viewing a preview. The cache can be located in one central location or in different locations. Opportunities Adobe Bridge CC can be greatly enhanced through the use of javascript.